
Keira T.


32 • Male • Gay
United Kingdom • Born November 17, 1991 • DotfilesContact

need £70 ($87) to bulk-buy progesterone

summer is rapidly approaching my location and soon I will die from a heat stroke

i'd somehow gotten locked out of 2 of my oracle free servers


had been deleted, i've now regained access by copying the contents of those files from a different server
these servers are set up to use key-only authentication and only 1 user is allowed over ssh

this is possibly due to an automated intrusion, a botnet maybe, will keep this updated

hope you're ready for your examination

i have like 30 pairs of socks and i wear all of them

forbidden 3M bracelet

i am once again saddened by the loss of my rammstein cds

literally the best post on x and nobody follows its advice

(via invidious)

coding in production


who cares?


that just reminded me not only did i make an ircd fork i also made an irc client fork

various site designs over the years (manually coded/designed, all images made in 3d software or photoshop)

the only pride flag i care about

(via invidious)


Content Warning: test
tap or hover over to view
you such a lousy typist
what do i look like, a toaster?
what a hideous sculpture, i detest modern art
if johnny has 3 apples and davey has 2 apples, why don't they just shut up and eat?

i may not have many friends but i have a whole ecosystem

Content Warning: food

tap or hover over to view

throwback to when I wrote a captcha system which made you correct the spelling of a word randomly picked from a list of 40 different misspellings, it completely stopped any bots from signing up and it also caused people to send me death threats
2 birds with 1 stone

(via invidious)

(via invidious)



had a kernel panic on my server two days in a row, installed kexec and kdump to debug it, no kernel panic for 5 days

throwback to when someone tried to psychoanalyze me based on a fursona

(via invidious)

Lithuanian NATO 7.62x55mm

you ever just fucking spit in someone's food after they've said some stupid ass demeaning shit to you?

(via invidious)

hanging out at the mall is just Second Life in real life

(via invidious)

any way to get rid of these without agreeing to the ToS? (I don't use the Cloud)

(via invidious)

this software takes markdown files out of an obsidian notes folder and displays them as blog posts


currently hosted off my laptop and there's a big storm outside so don't be surprised if it's slow or it goes offline

actually to make matters worse the route taken to access the /blog/ page is my laptop > tor > vps because i don't feel like portforwarding anything




echo test
import json, shlex, sys
from subprocess import Popen

caption = sys.argv[1]
image_caption = ""
if len(sys.argv) == 4:
    image_caption = sys.argv[3]
social_media = sys.argv[2].split(',')
is_image = False


# usage: do_social_media_post.py "<message/image>" twitter,mastodon,bluesky,facebook,instagram

if caption.endswith(('jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'jpeg')):
    is_image = True

for site in social_media:
    if is_image == False:
        if site != "instagram":
            command = "/opt/homebrew/bin/python3 /Users/sysadmin/Documents/social_media_bots/"+site+"/posters/"+site+"_text.py " + json.dumps(caption)
            proc = Popen(shlex.split(command)) #, shell=True)
            print("instagram does not support text posting")
        command = "/opt/homebrew/bin/python3 /Users/sysadmin/Documents/social_media_bots/"+site+"/posters/"+site+"_image.py " + json.dumps(caption) + " " + json.dumps(image_caption)
        proc = Popen(shlex.split(command)) #, shell=True)